Since many of our friends have reached out to us during this rather difficult time, I thought I would send along some information about the conditions here in Padova and how we are doing.

First of all, I would like to assure all of you that Holly and I are fine and other than being under lock down and a little bored, life is fairly normal. We are doing everything we can to stay safe. Grocery stores and pharmacies are open and have plenty of everything (including toilet paper and hand sanitizer). When we do go out, we need to carry an official document (a form that we fill out) stating who we are, where we live and where we are going. It is pretty simple, and the authorities do check from time to time and are issuing citations if you are not carrying one. Also, we are supposed to go out alone, no traveling in pairs or groups.

Although there are cases here, Padova is not having anything like what is being portrayed in the news. The media is not the “fake news” that some seem to think, but they do like to sensationalize what is happening. But to be clear, there are places in Northern Italy, like Bergamo for instance, that are really having serious issues and our hearts goes out to them.

It seems rather strange that two of the world’s Covid-19 hot spots are here in Northern Italy and in the Seattle area. The first COVID-19 fatality of a person we know was the owner of the Leschi Mart where we used to do most of our food shopping while living in Madrona. That was a sad day for the community. Steve was a good man and will be missed.

I know that some of you are already in a situation like ours and if I understand correctly, some of the rest of you will be there soon. My only advice is that this virus seems to only be transmitted by close contact with an infected person or residue they leave on objects. The less person-to-person contact we have and the more we wash our hands right now the better it will be for us all. Respect social distancing and keep scrubbing.

We would love to hear how you are doing, so please leave a comment and let us know,

Our best to you all,

Jim & Holly

9 thoughts on “COVID -19”

  1. When they reported on Italy’s spread, I immediately thought of you guys. Glad your are safe and well! Doing ok on this end …. WFH and bubblewrapped along with a hand sanitizer necklace and a 6 foot measuring tape in hand when venturing out into public. 😷🤧Miss you! 🤗

  2. Hi guys – yes we’re more or less locked down here, though groceries and pharmacies remain open. We can still go out without papers, and the weather is nice for now, so there’s that. Groceries are having shortages, stupid people hoarding stuff – hopefully that will settle out in time. I hope this doesn’t put a monkey wrench in your travel plans for the summer – we’re hoping the same for September, but starting to worry that may be overly optimistic.
    Dave & Linda

  3. Hi Jim, Thank you for the update. Glad to hear that you’re both doing okay, and it’s also helpful to know what things might be like here in a couple more weeks time. Thankfully, I can continue to work from home, but I’m also now going to be much more involved in my kids schoolwork (which is probably a good thing). -Michael

  4. Thank you for making contact. There is part of us that went with you and that part has been living an amazing life in Italy. It didn’t matter that you were blogging. It was enough, as you said, that you found yourself living in Italy rather than blogging about it.
    Cheers and best wishes,

  5. You both look especially beautiful in this photograph. Thanks for the update. I was totally taken aback by the news of Steve’s death. He was a significant person in my life for many years — no ordinary butcher was he!

  6. Hello Jim,
    I have been thinking about you both. It is so good to hear that you are okay. All is well here and I have been home since the 11th. I have been overly cautious since I am still not 100% after my lobectomy in December. PNB closed last Friday until early April so we wait to see what happens. A stressful time on many levels for sure.
    I do enjoy seeing Italy through your blog and FB posts. Someday I will return.
    Stay healthy and safe!

  7. O-Dark-30 here on the Eastern shores of the blue Pacific….so calm for March. Roads are calm and we are calm. Our tourists have vanished and our old ways of life are are fondly remembered. Truly a historic sea change has started. This is how our parents must have felt after “Pearl Harbor” . The question is , when will it end ? Good food , good friends and of course good family. We’ll have to wait this one out not much more to do : Books, shores , old and new movies and maybe a drawing or two. Always thinking of you. Thank you for livin’ the life large Bro

  8. hey Jim – really appreciate this post – everything about it, including the simultaneous recognition that the media isn’t “fake news” but that they have a (lucratively rewarded) disposition favoring sensationalizing…

    Was out for a bike ride this morning in West Seattle – all the regulator-sharing scuba people were preparing for their dives, lots of people running and cycling (mostly by themselves) of course it being Seattle in March-because there’s a social distancing clampdown-the weather has been fantastically sunny.

    Would be a great time to go to a Sounders match, but alas…

    Stay well, you two – and carry your papers,

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