As we leave for Italy

Last afternoon in Oakland having a glass of wine in the sunshine before taking a ferry to San Francisco to have dinner with our daughter, Jamie, last night.


I know I said the next post would be from Italy, but I changed my mind.  One thing I like about writing like this is to put down ideas before they are allowed to be filtered by the future, so indulge me here as I try to express what is going through my mind just before we board our flight for Italy this afternoon.

Holly ask me a couple of days ago how I was feeling.  I guess I showed something on my face.  My response was that I was (for lack of a better word) wistful.

So far this has been an exciting, very busy adventure and challenge: so much to do, so many places to go and things to see, there has been little time for reflection.  Now the real questions start to creep in about how this will all work out.  Will we be able to cope with actually living in this strange new world we have decided to create for ourselves?  We have given up our house, most of our possessions, the immediate support of family and friends (not to mention one of the most interesting elections in years) to establish ourselves half way around the world.  Can we find enough things of interest to keep us busy?  Will Holly have the opportunities to play her music and have it appreciated.  I can continue to take pictures and write in this blog, which I love to do, but not sure that will be enough.  What will I find to fill my days?

It is all a little scary and exhilarating all at the same time.  I am optimistic even if a little nervous.   We are committed at this point and will just have to wait and see.

Wish us good fortune.

10 thoughts on “As we leave for Italy”

  1. Knowing you, Jim, you will find plenty to keep yourself busy… Thanks for sharing your adventures and allowing me to live vicariously through your travels!

  2. ah our heartstrings tug, as we feel you about to leave our nearer ability to hop in a car and be with you here in California. So much awaits you. May your journey become all you wish for, with surprises along the way too. We love you both!

  3. All you can do is put one foot in front of the other, Jim, and realize that what you two are doing is something so many of us had the nerve and where with all to do!

  4. Thanks for your inner thoughts. My wife Lynn and I are planning to leave our home and possessions in a few years to live on a sail boat. That’s the plan so we’ll see how that works out. My daughter is finishing her graduate degree soon and is married to a great young man. She FaceTimes me once a week and seeing her makes a big difference in my life. Sometimes your blogs makes me think about my plans. I did travel to Italy in 1980 and I love that country.

  5. I write you from Verona and hope you know that both Stuart wish you only the best as you head into this new chapter of your adventure. I’m just sorry that our paths will not cross this time, though we will be so close. You both have done your homework and are prepared as possible for the new challenges. I have never seen either of you bored, and have confidence you will find fulfillment with each other where ever you are. Love, Catherine

  6. Wistful? Seize the day, Herminator! There are, after all, getting to be fewer of them (baring amazing medical miracles-too late, crisper-cas9 gene editing is here along with Car-T immunotherapy, induced pluripotent stem cells and more); so, perhaps better to think of your plunge into the abyss as a transition of a short few decades duration that will prepare you for the big decision of your 2nd hundred years: whether to help Elon Musk colonize Mars or stay here on terra firma! Anchors up!

    Been following your posts avidly and will come to Europe for the concert when it happens.

    Greg McCullough

  7. You may not like all adpects of living in Italy, but you can be sure to stay busy here. If Lecce should be too calm for you, you can come and visit us in Lucca. Best wishes for both of you. Will your dreams realize in the best imaginable way. In bocca al lupo!

  8. It was wonderful seeing you both when you were in Seattle. We all look forward to hearing about the continuing adventure and we hope it is everything that you’ve dreamed of! Much love – Judi Tom Carson and Jess

  9. I love you dad! If you get really bored I have plenty of work I could pass along. 😉 Also, you need to start preparing to be a tour guide for your grandchildren. xoxo

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