The promised monastery picutres

All I did was go to the directory where the pictures from the Nikon live and changed my view from a list to large icons and when I went to try the upload again, it worked.  Sometimes the mysteries of computers are beyond me, but I got it to work so I won’t question the method.

Friday, Holly and I wandered out of the Porta Napoli (old gate in the city walls that leads to the road to Naples) and found this wonderful old monastery that is now part of the local university.  I thought it was worth a look.

The Porta Napoli is just a few blocks from where we are staying
The courtyard
The clock (actually sundial) tower
The sundial, the time it kept didn’t seem to relate to the time of day. Maybe we just couldn’t read it right.
The stairs leading to the upper level. I love how the soft stone has worn away over the centuries.
The roof top courtyard

3 thoughts on “The promised monastery picutres”

    1. It is currently quite comfortable, high 60s to low 70s for a high. Perfect spring weather. We have needed more heat than cooling. However, we are told that it does get very hot here in July and August, well over 100. Our current plans are to be in northern Italy for July and who knows where for August. Give our love to everybody.

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